Attaching Weapons To First And Third Person Meshes


I am working on a multiplayer fps game, in which the player has a set of arms for first person which only they see, and a third person character mesh which everybody except the player sees. Since they are two separate meshes, I was wondering what was the best way to attach the weapon would be since they are technically two different locations. Would it be better to have a first and third person gun mesh, or attach the same actor in different places? Any ideas on how to achieve this effect would be much appreciates!

Thank you in advance!


Wondering if you ever came up with a solution for this. I am kind of in the same boat. Quick question: the weapon you are trying to attach for both FP and TP mesh, is it an independent actor?

This is a potential route I’ve kind of played around with but haven’t fully fleshed out yet… still undecided.

In the character’s constructor (in C++), I’ve created a Child Actor Component that is attached to Right Hand Socket of the First Person Mesh.

At runtime, when a weapon is equipped by the character in either FP or TP, the actual independent Weapon Actor is attached to the Third Person Mesh.

To handle the first person weapon I then call SetChildActorClass to set the First Person Mesh’s Child Actor Class to be the same as the Weapon Actor. This works at attaching, but what I end up with is two actual weapons attached to the character. (With 2 bullets spawned, 2 ammo pools, etc.)

I think what I might end up doing is creating a separate Weapon Actor Class for the First Person Mesh that is purely cosmetic and still plays animations and effects… But I am curious what the industry standard regarding FP/TP weapons is.
