I have two blueprint functions that either use a socket’s location as a starting point or tries to attach an actor to a socket and both are having the same error. Both “work” but they are using the center of the character instead of the socket location and I am getting this error in the log. The attach script spams the error and the line trace gives it twice each time it is fired. I have googled and some others report similar errors but nothing exact. Here are the two blueprints I am using and the error.
Some info I have found may indicate that the skeleton has separated from the mesh but I do not see anything wrong there but could be over looking it.
Another quick update that may help figure this out. I created another test socket named Helmet and created a simple find socket and print to string to see what it comes up with. The String comes back with a socket name of Meshsocket_0(or similar, I am now away from my project). If I change the attach to socket name to the one it is reporting instead of the name I gave it, it works. Why is the engine giving it a different name at runtime?
I just managed to use your examples to do this. I have a socket called Hat and attached the sphere using the level BP. in my PC I am printing the location of the socket every tick and its moving with the character.
have you made more than one socket called Helmet? can you show the socket manager?
I created a new project with a 3rd person character and it worked fine. I have tried different ideas and no matter what I keep getting the no skeletonmesh error from above.
I found it, the skeleton mesh wasn’t in the settings correctly.