So I can’t seem to figure this one out. I have two different mesh pieces to a model handgun, right now one for the slide, and one for the lower (I’m not worrying about the rest of it right now, just using it to test with). When I attach the slide mesh to the slide socket it always changes the transformations. It will scale it up a lot and flip it upside. I have tried applying the transformations to all the objects before importing, I’ve tried setting the origin of the objects to both the center of mass and the 3D cursor (being the center of the hand grip), and I have tried making the transformations relative to the world but then the slide will stay at 0 X, 0 Y, and 0 Z in the world no matter if the lower mesh is moved. How can I attach the mesh to the socket while maintaining the original transformations? Sorry if it’s a stupid question, it is doing my head in