Attaching spline components

I am developing a residential road generator, using UE4.26, and I need to connect an intersection road to the end of a spline component. I got the original spline to spawn an intersection road, by creating sockets on each corner of the intersecting road and then calling the spawn actor node. However, if I move the original spline, or its end point, the intersecting road does not move. Is there a way that I can physically attach the intersecting road to the end point of the original spline? Is the AttachComponentToComponent node what I am looking for? If so, do both the end spline point and the intersecting road need sockets, or can I just use the socket that is attached to the intersecting road?

I tried taking a stab at it, but AttachComponentToComponent failed. Here’s what I did…

Same here, anyone got a solution for it? I have some fragmented roads to “merge”