Attaching object to UE4 Mannequin's hand

Hello I’m trying to get the UE4 Character to walk over to an object and have that object be picked up. It works somewhat but when it attaches, it attaches too far away or attaches at the socket but causes collision problems. Why isn’t the object attaching properly to the socket? I tried alternating the settings on the AttachActorToComponent node but doesn’t seem to do much. I attached a clip and pic of what’s been going on below.

2022-11-14 12-51-28.mkv (12.1 MB)

Have you tried adding the object to the socket in the blueprint , hiding it and making visible when collided ?

Hey @twizkiddaxter!

You should use “Snap to Target” for Location and Rotation, and “Keep World” for scale. So it should put the 0,0,0 root of your object directly on the socket on your character. What was the issue with physics?

No? I don’t think that’s what I want to do. It is (the cube) being added to the Player Character’s hand. Whenever the Player Character walks into the collision of the cube, it attaches to the hand.

Hmmm. Wouldn’t it be better to keep it visible during gameplay and just turn off collision when it’s picked up?

Ok this is a much better spot I’m at than I was a few days ago. This is my physics problem. Video’s below.
2022-11-18 14-46-13.mkv (12.4 MB)

Ah hah. I figured it out. I’m satisfied with how the cube attaches to the mannequin for now. The physics problem was simply fixed by turning off the collision when the cube’s picked up. Thanks @Mind-Brain and @Ken3dguy.

The Result
2022-11-18 14-54-38.mkv (8.7 MB)

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