Attaching Emitter To Follow Character

So I’m attempting to attach an emitter to a socket on my skeletal mesh, however the problem is, the mesh data emitters aren’t following the character mesh when it’s in motion. They spawn, stick to the location they first spawned in, despawn (end of their life) and respawn again in a similar fashion. I’m just looking to attach two rotating orbs around the character that moves with it as it moves.

Whoop, found the answer. Wasn’t a blueprint problem after all, but an emitter problem. Didn’t tick “Use Local Space.”

You can use SpawnEmitterAttached node as below to make emitter attached to your character mesh. You can even subtract a vector quantity to make the emitter appear a little behind character.


Attach point Name is the socket that I have created in character mesh. At this socket, emitter will be spawned.

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This is the problem I had. Easy solution, just hard to figure out!