Hi, I just made 3d characters for my game, but my characters are made from different pieces
It Has a Body, tail, hair1, hair2, eyes
and i need multiple variations of this character, so i will be using the same body, but with different tails, hairs etc.
Fiest i tried parenting them to the bones in Maya, but then it failed to import, so i tought i could import the body and use sockets to change tail, hair etc but that would be too much work in my opinion.
So i am asking what is the most optimal way to me to get 6 characters witch look about the same, have the same body, but will be using different bodyparts?
I ended up doing it like this:
I created 6 different characters in maya, with bodyparts parented to the skeleton. Then i had a wings object that all characters could use, so i put it in my character blueprint, attached it to a bone and then toggled the wings visibility in the event graph.