Many times i’ve attempted to attach an Actor to another using SertBase(), however this has never worked for me, and i always end up setting location in it’s tick function to achieve what i’m after.
Is there some property I may be missing that is preventing this from working?
I think the only time I’ve ever successfully attached an actor to another actor is with sockets on a skeletal mesh. If you can tolerate the 1 fps video capture, take a look at Nathaniel3W Oculus demo March 2014 - YouTube from an old project of mine.
Is this regarding your attempt to attach something in front of the camera? What does the Kismet attach actor node do? It might worth looking into seeing what happens if you try placing a camera actor in the world, attach the camera to your pawn, and attach another actor to the camera. If that works, then there might be a hint in the Kismet attach actor code on how to attach one arbitrary thing to another in UnrealScript.