Attached StaticMesh not moving with parent component

I have one static mesh attached to the players hand socket.
In the animation blueprint i am using the layered blend per bone to blend 2 animations in Upperbody (defending) and Lowerbody (walking or idle).
The problem is the static mesh attached to the upperbody part is not moving with the upperbody part ( the defending animation in this case ), istead is moving with the lowerpart.

My guess would be you need to change the bone you are blending on in the Layered Blend node’s details panel.

Keep in mind that even though skeletons in Unreal are called “skeletons,” they still don’t quite parent the bones like you would think a human skeleton would work sometimes.

There is a chance that your hand socket is a child or grandchild of the spine_01 bone that you are currently blending at (or maybe not a child? I can’t remember off the top of my head if the blend node includes or excludes based on the chosen bone).

Thank you!
I was checking again and the bone from the socket had no parent on the skeleton tree.