First, I’m using currently 4.13.1 but it happends before (from 4.10).
It’s very difficult to me to reproduce intentionaly, so sorry for lack of information.
I have scene with a few layers. On each layers, there is some actors include actors manualy attached to others (to socket, or to “none” option).
Now, when I edit some layer (other layers are invisible so it’s impossible to accidentally click on them) and do my normal job: moving actors, attach them, add new blueprints and logic inside them, play test functionality).
When I save all items UE4 ask me to save also not edited layers. Sometimes after editor restart I notice that all attached actors are in very random position. I’m not very sure when it’s happened. Sometimes I just unhide the layer and actors are moved. If it’s important on each layers there are same Blueprint’s actors. So mostly I have to revert edited map at SVN and reopen editor.
It’s very annoying to correct each item one or twice a day.
Please ask me about any needed detail.
Just test and some attached actors loose theirs position when I select actor, RMB on other layer and click on “Move selected actors to level”. Those actor have some local offset to theris sockets.
Same situation take place if we duplicate actor (alt + drag) (at the same layer and different).
Hello ,
I have a few questions for you that will help narrow down what issue it is that you are experiencing.
Quick questions:
- Can you reproduce this issue in a clean project?
- If so, could you provide a detailed list of steps to reproduce this issue on our end?
- Could you provide screen shots of any blueprints/settings that may be involved?
I’m not sure if this is a clean project, but I used newly created “Third person - blueprint”.
1.Create simple blueprint (based on actor). Add static mesh to visualize. This time I choose (1M_cube_Chamfer).
Place on Scene SK_Mannequin.
6. Attach a few blueprints(from point 1) to specify socket/bones e.g.: head, foot_l.
7. Now move position(after attach) to be in diffrent possition than 0,0,0
8. Select actor (sk_Mannequin with child actors). Simply “alt” drag actor to duplicate. Now blueprints that was moved are in 0,0,0 position. Also ctr+C - ctrl+V works.
That is what can I reproduce, but my project problem is that some of actors are spread around the world and I cannot so far say when its happened
- Well there is no any advence settings to be involved, but I can attach a scene screenshot (look at blueprints attached to root - near foot)
Finnaly layers doesn’t matter in this case.
In my working project: I revert to previous commit form svn my project scene, then update and run project. Actors that was previously in some random position, now are in another random position.
I was unable to reproduce this issue on our end. After attaching the blueprint containing a static mesh actor (cube) to the third person character’s head bone I was unable to see the issue described in your post. Could you create a new project using the third person template and provide any steps that may have been left out and let me know if this issue still occurs in a clean project?
Hi, I use clear Third Person project and still working. For being right understand (my previous steps)
Point 5 - I mean: after attach blueprint to actor, move this blueprint (not entire actor)
Hope that helps
Hello ,
Could you provide the project that you are using when this issue occurs? This way I could take a close look.
I have a lot of troubles, but finnaly I can provide github link:
I cannot send only hdri folder and file inside content/StarterCOntent because it’s to big for github 
Hello ,
After taking a look at the provided project I was able to reproduce this issue on our end. I have written up a report and I have submitted it to the developers for further consideration. I have also provided a link to the public tracker. Please feel free to use the provided link for future updates. Thank you for your time and information.
Link: Unreal Engine Issues and Bug Tracker (UE-36865)
Make it a great day