AttachComponentToComponent doesn't snap location to target

So I’m making 2d platformer game, I was trying to do some kind of hanger (?) for the player to jump from one place to another and used AttachComponentToComponent. I chose Location Rule as snap to target and the player becomes attached to the hanger but the location doesn’t change ( AttachComponentToComponent returns true ). Does anyone know how to fix that?
I’m using Unreal 4.27

what about the socket?

you are attaching a capsule component. Is the rest of the character child to that capsule? If you attach actor to component, does it work?

Well, to be honest, I’m not sure what you are trying to do, but I guess attaching collisions is not a good idea!

I think we are talking about something totally different:

Also take a look to:

mmm, more details, perhaps a video, or something similar, screenshots… Like:
I want my character jumps from one point to another when reaches some special point…

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I’m trying to make something similar to this object from rayman legends

The character is a child to the capsule, I’ve tried attaching actor to the component, but it also doesn’t work

have you made sure that the interface is firing? You can select the node and press f9 to add a breakpoint, or add a print string.

That’s the first thing to do if you havent do it already.

If it is firing but the node still isnt working as expected, then I’d probably check next to see if perhaps some other function is overriding the location of the actor. Like maybe you are setting it’s location on tick or something.

My friend this is nothing about attaching, is complicated :smiley:
Look I found a tutorial that I think can help you a lot, is divided into small parts.

Also, I recommend you to learn the basics of character animation because your life is going to be easier for sure!

Okay, I’ll try to work with that then, thank you!