Hi, can you guys please tell me how to edit my cockpit camera, so that when I am in VR mode, i turn my head left, right, up down etc (looking around with headset) and the cockpit stays still, I am just looking around inside it.
At the moment, when i turn left, right. up and down to look around, the entire cockpit mesh moves with me. But, i dont want the cockpit to move, i only want to look around inside it, and use gamepad controls for movement etc.
Heres a screenshot, I thought if i unchecked “lock to HMD” this would fix it
Why cant things just work? The camera is facing the cockpit window, in the editor. I run VR preview, and the camera is facing the other direction in the cockpit. If you place a camera in the pawn editor, why cant this just simply translate into the game? Do I have to add some stupid extra X Y and Z offset values in another blueprint?