My character’s gun is attached to a socket on her Thigh bone. And whilst it looks and works as expected at first glance, when I turn the character to face a different direction, look closely and you’ll see the attached object is clearly offset. Like, it prefers a certain axis.
I have tried this with several character meshes (all using the same skeleton tho I must add), and with several different meshes that I attach to the socket (the gun, the standard UE plane mesh and others) - no results. I even updated to 5.1.1 now and I still have the issue. Any clues?
Hey there @Blechpappen! Welcome back to the community! This is a bit interesting! It seems like the rotation is following the socket at all times, but the offset is acting like it’s tied to an offset bone.
Is the offset visible in the socket preview in the SKM?
Hey! Thanks for the answer. There was no offset anywhere to be found, and I also tried this with a new character BP, as well as the original Unreal mannequin - same results.
I then updated my game version from 5.1 to 5.1.1, the issue remained.
However, I found that in a new project this error did not happen, so what I ended up doing was merging a clean Character BP from that new project file to my old one, and literally readding every piece of code in there as well as in a new Anim BP. Took quite a lot of time but in the end it worked. It seemed legit like a bug as I have tried everything, and I mean absolutely everything to remedy this, only for it to work flawlessly in another project.
I believe this error might have come about because I started my project in UE5 beta version, and updated it along with new engine releases. I noticed, that the character BP from my UE5 build had some minor differences in the details panel, compared to the UE5.1.1 one. (Mainly I could see the character mesh’s Translation and Rotation in my version, where as the UE5.1.1 one had only Scale visible there) That was the only reason why I think it might have been an engine upgrade thing, and turns out it was!
Ahhhh so it’s possible that it was just a migration issue. These are some of the hardest to diagnose as they often are very specific to the asset they effect. Great work getting it working however! If it crops back up, let me know and we can do a bit of a deeper dive!