Hello I cant figure this out. I am trying to attach a spring arm to an actor I have spawned in at begin play and attached to my player so when I have this node that is infront of my character if I walk into a wall this node will not pierce the wall. here are some screenshots to hopefully show you what I want I have them both being attached to a socket I have placed on the skeleton of my player character so they are in fixed locations.
didnt do the best explaining here I see Basically as seen in the first picture I want that “block” aka the actor location to be pushed towards my character if the spring arm collides with the wall rather than the actor just to get pushed through the wall, the block is only there to represent the actors current location.
Doesn’t the “Do collision test” of the spring arm component do that?
Yeah it does and I have it checked but, its not working, or I dont understand how to do it properly, basically i’m trying to spawn an actor and attach that actor to a spring arm I have socketed to my characters skeleton, its just not effecting the location of the actor at all it doesnt seem as if the spring arm is even working I might be doing something wrong, but I dont know how to do this, how is the best way to attach a spring arm to my invisible actor that I spawn at begin play? should I have the spring arm only in the root of my invisble actor? should I have the spring arm on my player character and attach the invisble actor to the player? i dont know, its not work either way for me just seems as if the spring arm isnt working… any info would help or maybe workflow
Woot I solved it Here is the answer for future me and yall, So First I made an actor, I made a socket on the skeleton of my Player, I created a Spring arm component on my Player, I positioned the spring arm where I wanted it in the viewport of the character at BeginPlay I attached teh spring arm to the socket, then spawned my actor, then attached the actor to that spring arm ez pz! suck it past myllz! thanks evil cleric!