Attach specific cable particle to an actor

Good morning.

I’m trying to create a cable which is attached in multiple points to multiple actors.
I was able to do the opposite, which is attaching an actor to a specific cable particle, with the following:

Is there a way to achieve this particular thing? I cannot find anything about this.

Thank you!

It’s cool that you attached an actor to a cable particle. Let’s see if we can get the result you’re looking for. First, do you really want to do this every frame with Event Tick? This might be something you only need to do once. Maybe using Begin Play or creating a custom function to call when needed would be better.

In your picture, you’re setting the location for one actor. You’ll need an array of actors for what you want to do. You can loop through each actor with a for each loop and set their locations. You can use a random integer in range (to get random results) for the index in the get function, and use last index so you don’t need to manually count your actors.

Try this out and let me know if it works or if you have any questions.

Hello DigitalGreenTea, and thank you for your answer!

Sorry, I’ve not been clear enough in my first post. The image I uploaded is what I have already achieved, but what I’m trying to do now (that is the question of this topic) is to pick the cable and attach it to one or more actor.

Let’s see the example below:

As you can see in the image, I have a cable component with 5 divisions, and 2 actors.

My goal is to achieve something like in the image below:

So basically, I want to pick the particle n.2 and n.4 of the cable component and attach them respectively to Actor 1 and Actor 2.

I was wondering if there’s a way to do this particular thing or I simply need to create 3 separate cable components.

Thank you for your patience and your suggestions!

Sorry for the late reply. Thanks for clarifying. Looking at the documentation, I think three cable components is the way to go. A cable component has no more than two fixed particles, and you cannot choose to have one of the divided parts (the floating particles) connected to another actor. I hope this helps and fits your use case.
Cable Component | Unreal Engine 4.27 Documentation