I want to attach a driver to my vehicle so that it looks like the car has a driver.
The driver is permanently attached to the vehicle.
I tried using sockets like in the weapon attach tutorial, but it doesn’t show when I press Play.
I want to attach a driver to my vehicle so that it looks like the car has a driver.
The driver is permanently attached to the vehicle.
I tried using sockets like in the weapon attach tutorial, but it doesn’t show when I press Play.
You’ll need to use only your animated skeletal mesh to have a driver inside the car, since you will probably have weird collision problems if you try to stick the whole player BP into the car’s physics body.
Okay so I didn’t use sockets anymore. I just put the character in the vehicle using the components screen and I’m just going to cast animations on it for the steering, etc.
But 1 more question: How can I change the mesh of the root component of the vehicle?? It always crashes when I try to set the mesh using BP.
I’m doing this because I want the player to be able to change the looks of the vehicle
Hello, you should look about Dynamic Material Instances to be able to change your vehicle look at runtime !