Attach devices to player.

Hello, Im trying to create a system where a trigger is attached to the front of a player, while a mutator zone is in them. How could i do this?
Thank you


Do you mean that you want to have a trigger attached to the player while they are inside of a mutator zone?

What are you ultimately trying to accomplish? (There may be a different way that does not involve triggers)

For the Trigger path though - The first thing I wonder is if a Trigger Device can be moved with the MoveTo function.

Hello, I was trying to have both the trigger and the mutator device attached to the player, But the trigger would be in front of the player, while the mustaor zone would be insaide the player

But what i want to accomplish is when a rusty can is thrown and hits a player they receive it

This might help you from the Snippets Attaching Damage Zone to Player | Uefn Code Snippet