Attach camera to hand

Hi all,

I’m attempting to create a scene where as the NPC appears, it plays an animation to grab you by the throat.

Referencing the camera is the biggest issue I’m having, as it is outside the level BP and that is because I need to attach the camera to an NPC socket the ‘hand_r’ socket.

I’m not able to reference a camera I added to the NPC itself at all with the ‘Set Target View with Blend’ and I’m not aware of any other way to switch to this camera, I also need to be able to tweak the camera angle, focus etc all of which I can’t easily do if I just spawn it.

Give the NPC a socket attached camera:

Setting Rotation is optional, ofc - but you said it needs tweaking. Set View Target with Blend must target an actor - target the NCP itself, the node will find the first Active Camera and switch to its point of view. If the NPC has more than one camera, deactivate the undesired ones first.

Not sure I understand what the issue is, tbh. Do tell if I missed something obvious.

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Thanks mate! got it working now and could tweak it the way I needed to! :slight_smile:

Jumpscare is making progress!

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