Attach Blueprint Component to Multiple Actors Simultaneously?

Basically what the title says: Is there anyway for me to select multiple Actors in my scene, and attach a Component to them all in one click?

Right now, as far as we can tell, you have to click an actor, add a component, and repeat per actor. In a scene with hundreds of actors this is super tedious.

The only way to do this is adding the component to the base class of all those actors. Just create a blueprint class with the component and derive your other actors from it.

Each time you add a component to an individual actor in the scene you are basically creating a new blueprint class. I would advice you not to do that at all.

You should, everytime you can, create a blueprint class, edit it and adding all the components you need and then placing it in the scene. Always edit the class and never the instances (unless you need something specific to that instance).

It seems strange that Unreal has added a component system but that using it causes (from what you’re saying) issues.

We’ve taken your advice and created a blueprint class anyway. Hooray!

You might also want to look at Blutility to automate such processes (actor swapping, component injections, etc.) in the future.

maybe did you find workaround?

It would be really usefull if you could select many components and press something like “attach component to selected actors”. I think that such a feature would be great.

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Any update on how to do this?

I think if you are doing it in the editor you are stuck doing it one at a time. @Bariudol response is correct. Attach Blueprint Component to Multiple Actors Simultaneously? - #2 by Bariudol

If you want hundreds of actors in a scene with the same BP component, you probably want to go with a parent class with all the components needed. Expose a boolean variable to activate/deactivate the component if need be. By doing so when they are placed in the scene/editor/level, you could select multiple actors and uncheck/check the Boolean in the details panel on multiple actors at at once.