Attach and Detach back to original place

Hey! I’m working in a VR HandTracking project and I’m looking to understand how to make a component go back to it’s original place, in the camera rig

I have a solar system, in it, each planet’s is rotating on itself - this rotation is made inside the Planet Blueprint…

When inside the level… the planets are individually rigged in a camera rig placed in a circle to create the planets orbit around each other…

This is setup so that when I touch in a planet with one of my hands, the planet is attached to a socket in the palm of my hand as if I’m holding it.

How do I make the planet return to it’s original state, in its camera rig?


Hi Du.Moura,

By ‘camera rig’ do you mean a sequencer animation?

My first thought is that instead of attaching the planet component to your hand, hide the component when it is touched and spawn a copy of that component on your hand.

That way, its rotation will not be interrupted, for some extra ‘Juice’ you could do a ‘Vinterp To’ to have the released planet float back to where it is supposed to be when released.


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Hey! Yes, a sequencer animation.

That really is a better and simpler way to do it… I just finished setting it up and works as expected.

I am yet to try that extra ‘Juice’ :joy:, but will definitely implement it in a later stage, right now I just need it to work, and it does.

Thank you! Have a good one!

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