Attach actor with a different/seprate forward vector than parent?

Is there a way to do it? I have a 2D character that only changes it’s animation based on it’s input but doesn’t rotate because rotating introduces a different set of problems. Now, I want this 2D character to have the same rotation/direction as a 3D character so I can spawn a projectile in different directions. My idea is just to attach an actor that has a separate forward vector that I can get and use that to determine the skill’s direction but attaching a child actor or other components just inherits the parent’s forward vector.

I think this should work, however I am not fully sure if this is the best solution. Without more information I can’t say. Have a go and try to create what you have in mind and let me know how it works? :slight_smile:

Hi @Akimikage

How are you attaching and how are you obtaining the forward vector?

GetActorForwardVector obvioulsey the actors Forward direction in world space or
GetForwardVector which you can get a scene components world space forward vector (in this case the scene root should be suffice)

Is there supposed to be an image attached to your reply?

I just add the actor to my character actor. I, then, get the attached actor and get it’s world transform but the problem is it also does not rotate. It seems like it just inherits my character actor’s vector.

Test if the actor attached have the new location .
Simulate physics are on ?

@Incipita I think you misunderstood the problem. I don’t think I need physics on this one.

To clarify better, correct me if I’m wrong but, because my 2D top down character has no rotation it’s forward vector doesn’t change. I need a rotating forward vector, like on 3D characters, coz I need that as a point for spawning projectiles. My idea was to just attach an actor/component with a separate forward vector but it seems like whatever I attach to my 2D top down character also has a forward vector that doesn’t change.

No, no image. I mentioned that I thought your process would work. Basically getting the forward vector of a rotated component on the parent could work.

It doesn’t work. Whatever I attach to my 2D character just inherits the not changing rotation. If all else fails, I think I’ll just use the mouse as the crosshair.