Attach actor to component is not moving with component?

I noticed in here that The Parent Actor was not Connected, so I connected the Component to the Parent Section under attach to component and it still does the same thing, I cant see what I have done wrong here

Hello, I am attempting to attach an actor to a component I have created on my 3rd person character, Currently what I am doing is on event Tick inside of the Game mode, Casting to my Player Character getting the world transform of my Component Spawning the Actor at the Location of the Component and then running Attach actor to component. I have tried creating a Socket on the Components Mesh and having it attach to it, but it will only spawn the Actor and not follow the component when I move, am I misunderstanding how Attach works or is there another Way I can do this? I am trying to create Follow Locations for My Ai, Basically to the Left, infront, behind and so on. It will not work with Just getting the components world location.

Try Changing Transform Rules Under Attach to component node.

Assuming your component is BehindPlayer of PetMaster, attaching BehindPlayer to Parent should work. If it doesn’t, there’s a problem elsewhere.

And btw, you shouldn’t put your code in event tick if you need it just once. Try event begin play. This piece of code gets checked every frame up until SpawnActor.

Are you really sure you attached it to the mesh component:

Double checked all of my connections ran it again, did not work. called it a night restarted my PC and all of a sudden it was working… idk well atleast it works, if anyone else comes into this issue try to just make sure everything is connected make sure all of the Rules are accurate the socket name is spelt correctly and the Parent slot aka your mesh is plugged in and it should work you. if not maybe give your pc a restart. as for me my question was answered thank you everyone for the assistance

Hey so I actually have a counter question for you, I have it running on Event tick because I want to only have one follow point actor up at a time, and have them destroyed and spawned on the switch of an enum, I have in this event tick a Do once node. can you think of a better way to do this or would it not be that taxing or its neglible to just not have them all out at once?