At what age did you get your first computer?

I got my computer when i was 14 :slight_smile: It was a real miracle. Every day I played for hours “Heroes of Might and Magic III” game :slight_smile:

I got an Amiga 500 when I was like 5 or 6. It was already very old when I got it but I though. Used to play tons of Monkey Island and Trolls. :slight_smile:

I got a pc with windows 95 when i was 5 or 6. I used it exclusively for a couple kid games and a SNES emulator i had with a shitload of games i used to play mario

ZX Spectrum 128k +2 … I was 8 … some 32 years ago.

For those that don’t know … the 128k was the size of its memory and we used cassette tapes to store our games and programs.

C64 35 years ago perhaps. ^^ omg
10 Goto 20
20 Goto 10

I was around 7, I’m just guessing because the only game I had was Jane’s Combat Simulations: Advanced Tactical Fighters (1996), I even had a cool flight stick.
It’s so funny looking back at whatever we had years ago and remembering how it all looked so realistic.

Living on a farm in a small coastal town not too far from the bottom of the world all I had before that was my trusty Brick Game: 3 in 1 -_-

With 5-6 years I used a computer for the first time. Since I’m playing video games :stuck_out_tongue:

I got my fathers Pentium 60 when I was around 4.
Man, I played so much Dark forces and Doom on that machine!

Dang! I only have a 48k one! :frowning:

uhm i was 21 years old when i bought my first Amiga 500 back in 1986, played Elite for hours on end, now i’m playing it again but on a win/pc :frowning: oh those were the days

My dad gave me a Vic-20. I must have been around 12. That’s just over 30 years ago!

This was the UK during the time of ZX-81s, Spectrums and Commodore 64s. Exciting times.

My first PC was a 386SX 16MHz with 4MB RAM, in 1991. (Oh, yeah! :cool: )

Stick that in your hyper-threaded quad-core with 8MB smart cache, on-chip memory! :wink:

i was a commodore kid around '84 c16 was my first a c64. we had bbc micros at school and they still had some apple 2e’s. oh the days of notching 5 1/4 's so you could use the flip side and dual tape deck dubbing to copy games. the memory’s…and 300 baud modems.

kids these days have no idea how lucky they are.

I sure know! I actually bought a Commodore128 for my 17 birthday a year ago! (My friend has a BBC micro. But I don’t get mess with it :frowning: )
I now have quite a bit of appreciation for Gui’s and the Internet!

I got my first pc when I was about 12 years old. First game was ut2k4. =P

I must have been around 5-6 playing games on MS DOS. Like pool and Mac N Me.

The awesome Timex Sinclair 2068. It was around 1984 and I was 8. Good times.

I got my first PC in 2001, it was a Gateway essential something, it was a mini desktop.
Had Windows ME on it, I kinda miss ME…

I guess I could say that I was spoiled by my first computer as I am younger than most here, I got my first computer in 2008 (I was 8-9 at the time) , and I wasted quite a few years playing Runescape & Rocket-bowl, those were the good days :stuck_out_tongue:

Oh my, it has a cassette. I had something like this that took the huge floppy disk.

Wow, I am from Colombia and I got my first computer when I was 15 years old