At the Mountains of Madness: Call of Cthulhu [WIP]

Thank you Necrophob, the game wonโ€™t have sanity mechanic but you need to eat and warm yourself or you will die :smiley:
Right now we are implementing game mechanics such as sneaking and crouching etc, they will be needed to avoid dangerous situations or find hidden paths etc, more details soon ^^

BTW somebody tested the KEY? โ€ฆ :wink:

The key works fine :slight_smile:

This project looks pretty awesome! I loved the Call of Chtulhu Dark Corners of the Earth game!

Edit: Played the Alpha, but it was unclear to me what equipment I could pick up so I got stuck 2 minutes in :D. Maybe I missed something :slight_smile:

You need to pick up the flashlight and walking stick at least, but good to know that maybe we need to make it more clear :stuck_out_tongue: Thank you and enjoy the game and future updates!


Greetings! we have just updated the Alpha client to the version 1.2, including main bugfixes and lightning rebuild, be sure to update your clients!

Also this week we are performing a 50% Off price Sale at IGS, Take a look!

Thanks to everybody that is helping and supporting us, you are awesome ^^

Lightning build Preview:

Some shots of current progress :slight_smile:
