...\AsyncLoading.cpp] [Line: 1367] Async loading event graph contained a cycle, see above.

Hi… when I package my project using Blueprint nativization… and then I run the game… I get an error…

Fatal error: [File:D:\dev\Epic\UE4\Dev-Framework\Engine\Source\Runtime\CoreUObject\Private\Serialization\AsyncLoading.cpp] [Line: 1367]
Async loading event graph contained a cycle, see above.

things to know:
→ I’m just trying to nativize 2 blueprints (1 character blueprint + 1 interface blueprint)
→ My character blueprint uses a lot of structs and Enums (blueprints type) … maybe I can’t nativize blueprints with structs and enums (bp type) ??
→ My character blueprint is child of a C++ class…
→ my character blueprint is communicating with other blueprints, using cast nodes, and interface.
→ Using unreal engine 4.24.3

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btw… my character blueprint is not using macros.

Solved? Got same problem :frowning:

Also using structs + enums

UE 4.26

I have this problem after convert my blueprint code to c++. me toodb790fba8f52b41b0c88c5b62e2bb9b39d94463a.jpeg


I was getting the same problem when i nativized my project. Setting the Nativization process to Exclusive and nativising all of the blueprints that i created solved the problem for me, i nativized blueprints, widgets, game modes, controllers, blueprint libraries anything i made that could be nativized.

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