I tried saving some settings to a save game slot using the node “Async Save Game To Slot” because most people say it is more performant. My setup works perfectly but when I try to shift the logic to the GameInstance because I find this approach cleaner, the nodes isn’t available. Only the synchronous version of the node is available. Why is this?
I’d drop using the async version anyway if I were you.
Only use async if you have a LOT of data to save, and you know for sure nothing will interrupt the process. If you write with another async, or sync while the process is in progress, it will just bomb out without any error. As your game grows in size, you will defintely have overlapping saving happening.
99.99% of the time, the normal node is absolutely fine.
EDIT: Also, I just checked, the async version is available in the game instance.
Thanks for your answer! I wasn’t sure if the regular save game to slot node was performant enough. But since I only need to save a few settings, it will do fine.
My issue with not finding the Async version of the save and load nodes was actually an error on my part. I tried to perform the Async Save to Slot inside a function. I assume now that async nodes are not available inside functions (as is only logical).
You need to go a LONG way before the async stuff is useful. When I tested it I had a cube matrix of 100x100x100 meshes which could remember their color / position etc using the save game, and reload it, many times per second. It always worked flawlessly ( BTW you can overlap your calls no problem ).
When I did the same thing with the async version, only a handful of meshes ever managed to save and retrieve data!
You’ll see a lot of rubbish on youtube related to all things ‘engine’. Async isn’t performant, the idea is that it doesn’t hog the execution thread while you’re trying to play the game.