Assistance Needed for Creating Sound Cues with Imported WAV Files in Unreal Engine

Hello everyone,

I’m working on a project in Unreal Engine where I need to import WAV files and create corresponding sound cues. I’ve written a Python script to automate this process, but I’m encountering an issue.


  1. The script successfully imports WAV files and creates sound cues.
  2. However, the sound cues are generated without being connected to the imported SoundWave assets. As a result, they are empty.


  1. What is the proper method to connect an imported SoundWave asset to a newly created sound cue in Unreal Engine using Python?
  2. Are there any specific classes or methods that I should use to ensure that the sound cue correctly references the SoundWave?

I’m using 4.22 Version of Unreal.
Here is my codes.

import os
import re
import unreal

def normalize_filename(filename):
    normalized_name = re.sub(r'[^a-zA-Z0-9]', '_', filename)
    normalized_name = re.sub(r'_+', '_', normalized_name)
    return normalized_name

def import_wav_files_and_create_cue(wav_folder):
    asset_tools = unreal.AssetToolsHelpers.get_asset_tools()
    wav_import_path = "/Game/Sounds/"

    for wav_file in os.listdir(wav_folder):
        if wav_file.endswith(".wav"):
            normalized_filename = normalize_filename(os.path.splitext(wav_file)[0])
            wav_path = os.path.join(wav_folder, wav_file)

            # Set up automated asset import data
            import_data = unreal.AutomatedAssetImportData()
            import_data.set_editor_property("filenames", [wav_path])
            import_data.set_editor_property("destination_path", wav_import_path)
            # Execute asset import
            imported_assets = asset_tools.import_assets_automated(import_data)
            if imported_assets:
                imported_asset = imported_assets[0]
                unreal.log("WAV file import completed: {}".format(imported_asset.get_full_name()))

                # Check out the WAV file from source control (may need to be done manually)
                # unreal.EditorAssetLibrary.check_out_asset(imported_asset.get_path_name())

                # Create sound cue
                create_sound_cue_from_asset(imported_asset, normalized_filename + "_Cue")

def create_sound_cue_from_asset(sound_asset, cue_name):
    # Create a new sound cue
    sound_cue_factory = unreal.SoundCueFactoryNew()
    asset_tools = unreal.AssetToolsHelpers.get_asset_tools()
    # Create sound cue asset
    sound_cue = asset_tools.create_asset(cue_name, "/Game/SoundCues", unreal.SoundCue, sound_cue_factory)

    # Add SoundWave to the sound cue
    # A method for connecting SoundWave to the sound cue is needed here.

    # Save the sound cue
    unreal.log("Created Sound Cue: {} from asset: {}".format(cue_name, sound_asset.get_full_name()))

# Example usage
wav_folder = "D:/x Dropbox/k d/=== My Music ===/- MOOB/240813-MOOB-TH-SERIES/ADO/TH001 Tech House Blaze"