Hello everyone,
I’m working on a project in Unreal Engine where I need to import WAV files and create corresponding sound cues. I’ve written a Python script to automate this process, but I’m encountering an issue.
- The script successfully imports WAV files and creates sound cues.
- However, the sound cues are generated without being connected to the imported SoundWave assets. As a result, they are empty.
- What is the proper method to connect an imported SoundWave asset to a newly created sound cue in Unreal Engine using Python?
- Are there any specific classes or methods that I should use to ensure that the sound cue correctly references the SoundWave?
I’m using 4.22 Version of Unreal.
Here is my codes.
import os
import re
import unreal
def normalize_filename(filename):
normalized_name = re.sub(r'[^a-zA-Z0-9]', '_', filename)
normalized_name = re.sub(r'_+', '_', normalized_name)
return normalized_name
def import_wav_files_and_create_cue(wav_folder):
asset_tools = unreal.AssetToolsHelpers.get_asset_tools()
wav_import_path = "/Game/Sounds/"
for wav_file in os.listdir(wav_folder):
if wav_file.endswith(".wav"):
normalized_filename = normalize_filename(os.path.splitext(wav_file)[0])
wav_path = os.path.join(wav_folder, wav_file)
# Set up automated asset import data
import_data = unreal.AutomatedAssetImportData()
import_data.set_editor_property("filenames", [wav_path])
import_data.set_editor_property("destination_path", wav_import_path)
# Execute asset import
imported_assets = asset_tools.import_assets_automated(import_data)
if imported_assets:
imported_asset = imported_assets[0]
unreal.log("WAV file import completed: {}".format(imported_asset.get_full_name()))
# Check out the WAV file from source control (may need to be done manually)
# unreal.EditorAssetLibrary.check_out_asset(imported_asset.get_path_name())
# Create sound cue
create_sound_cue_from_asset(imported_asset, normalized_filename + "_Cue")
def create_sound_cue_from_asset(sound_asset, cue_name):
# Create a new sound cue
sound_cue_factory = unreal.SoundCueFactoryNew()
asset_tools = unreal.AssetToolsHelpers.get_asset_tools()
# Create sound cue asset
sound_cue = asset_tools.create_asset(cue_name, "/Game/SoundCues", unreal.SoundCue, sound_cue_factory)
# Add SoundWave to the sound cue
# A method for connecting SoundWave to the sound cue is needed here.
# Save the sound cue
unreal.log("Created Sound Cue: {} from asset: {}".format(cue_name, sound_asset.get_full_name()))
# Example usage
wav_folder = "D:/x Dropbox/k d/=== My Music ===/- MOOB/240813-MOOB-TH-SERIES/ADO/TH001 Tech House Blaze"