Assigning Materials to Geometry Caches with Python

Trying to assign materials based on name. This is not working for GeometryCaches. The material slot names come up empty. Can you see why?

geom_cache_list = []
# directory of alembic imports
target_content = unreal.EditorAssetLibrary.list_assets("/Game/HR/Seq/Cloth/")
for each in target_content:     
    asset_data = unreal.EditorAssetLibrary.find_asset_data(each)

    asset_class = asset_data.get_editor_property('asset_class')
    if asset_class == "GeometryCache":

for item in geom_cache_list:    
    geom_cache = unreal.load_asset(item)
    gc_component = unreal.GeometryCacheComponent()
    msn = gc_component.get_material_slot_names()
    print(f"msn: {msn}")
    # result []