[ASSETS][PLUGIN][FREE] Purpleprint 2 - Kit by Hevedy



Is a package of resources and tools for game developers models, textures, materials, shapes and example content like levels to test things with the engine/game, design levels, learn to use the engines and more.
Using as main platform Unreal Engine 4, but be free to use the content with other game engines or projects as long you read the Licenses and the Terms & Conditions and include the originals giving the credit to the original author.

Note: You are agreeing the Terms & Conditions and the Licenses by downloading the project.
*The Terms & Conditions and the Licenses are included with the package and are in the Github repository and in the itch.io website too along with the FAQ.
*If do you like make a donation to me is appreciated thanks, you can donate me through the Paypal button in the readme description of the fork in Github: GitHub - Hevedy/PurpleprintKit: Purpleprint 2 - Kit, in the website or itch.io. (Links below)


Status: Beta (Development Canceled)
Current Version: (2016/01/06)
Alert: The Project is unfinished expect bugs, glitches, errors, crashes… and missing features.

Websites & Downloads

Website: Purpleprint 2 - Kit by Hevedy
Purpleprint 2 - Kit (Alpha Basic): Purpleprint - Kit by Hevedy
Purpleprint 1 - Kit Legacy (Complete): http://hevedy.itch.io/purpleprintkit

itch.io: http://hevedy.itch.io/purpleprintkit
Github: GitHub - Hevedy/PurpleprintKit: Purpleprint 2 - Kit

Hevedy Twitter: https://twitter.com/Hevedy
Hevedy Github: Hevedy (David "Hevedy" Palacios) · GitHub
Hevedy Twitch: http://www.twitch.tv/hevedy
Hevedy Trello: Trello
Hevedy Donations: GitHub - Hevedy/PurpleprintKit: Purpleprint 2 - Kit or http://hevedy.github.io/PurpleprintKit/ or http://hevedy.itch.io/purpleprintkit (Find for the Paypal button)

Old Purpleprint - Kit Legacy thread: Purpleprint Kit for Unreal Engine 4 & Urho3D - Community Content, Tools and Tutorials - Unreal Engine Forums


  • PP2K Plugin for Unreal Engine 4
  • PP2K Designer for Unreal Engine 4
  • PP2K Material for Unreal Engine 4
  • PP2K Material Examples for Unreal Engine 4
  • PP2K Character, Controls, UI & GameMode for Unreal Engine 4
  • Example Materials
  • Patterns Textures to create custom materials
  • Utility Textures to test engine features or light
  • Shapes Textures
  • Basic & Advanced 3D Model Shapes
  • Colors Examples
  • Chroma Textures
  • Project for Unreal Engine 4
  • Ready to use Plugin and Project for Unreal Engine 4

… and many more.



Q. Why use Purpleprint 2 - Kit?

  • Because is one of the biggest package of resources for free over the network and you can use the content under the licenses MIT & CC-BY 4.0 and the Terms & Conditions without the limitations of the Unreal Engine 4 content EULA.

Q. It’s Purpleprint 2 - Kit a true free software?

  • Yes, along you accept the licenses MIT & CC-BY 4.0 and the Terms & Conditions.

Q. What Can I do with this?

  • Create complete games and use the tools included to boost the development of your games, tools, templates… you can create level previews in the editor without the need of use BSP or using Purpleprint 2 - Kit in combination with the BSP tool. And many more things for the games development.

Q. What tools include Purpleprint 2 - Kit?

  • The new version include a plugin for Unreal Engine 4 with the code open source under the MIT license where you can find new functions for C++ & Blueprints to help you in the game development.

Legal FAQ

Q. Can I share this website or link with others?

  • Yes, you can, but giving the appropriate credit.

Q. Can I share a stream or recorder videos or images including video tutorials using this projects to the public?

  • Yes, you can, but giving the appropriate credit.

Q. Can I use this projects for commercial purposes?

  • Yes, you are granted a license to use these samples for both non-commercial and commercial purposes in your creative work (including but not limited to games, apps and video projects) along you include the original project licenses and give credit to the author.

Q. Can I create a package of resources or tools with this resources for commercial purposes to sell the package?

  • No, you can’t create derived content or use this projects content to create another package of resources for commercial purposes to sell the package.

Q. Can I use this projects in combination with my content to create a marketplace item?

  • No, you can’t. But you can use this projects with your content only for showcase purposes (Media content) along you include a note with a link and reference to the author and the project.

Q. Can I use this projects for different game engines?

  • Yes, you can.

Q. Can I use this projects to create a game engine?

  • Yes, you can, following the Terms & Conditions and Licenses.

Q. Can I use this projects to create a tutorial and give the content with the tutorial?

  • Yes, you can.

Q. Can I use this projects to create a video tutorial or a written tutorial or the both?

  • Yes, you can.

Q. Can I use this projects to create a book or manual?

  • Yes, if you use this in combination with a game engine for example and following the Terms & Conditions and Licenses.

Updates & Changelog: (16/01/06): Include massive update in the Purple Plugin and new sound effects and cues to play with audio.

  • PP2K new audio effects samples.
  • PP2K new audio effects cue files.
  • PP2K Purple Designer Collision upgrades and fixes.
  • PP2K Purple Designer Solid upgrades and fixes.
  • PP2K Purple Plugin fixes and updates.
  • PP2K Purple Plugin new random nodes.
  • PP2K Purple Plugin new print whole array in screen.
  • PP2K Purple Plugin new convert whole array to string.
  • PP2K Purple Plugin new units converters.
  • PP2K Purple Plugin new rotation helpers.
  • PP2K Purple Plugin new vectors converters.
  • PP2K Purple Plugin new count float and int.
  • PP2K Purple Plugin new set get from ini files Vector4 & Byte.
  • PP2K Purple Plugin new get rotation sectors and divide in sectors. (15/12/04): Include the new master material Purple Material upgrades, new missing Purple Plugin functions, the base designer files, new character pawn, controls and examples and all the core material examples and techniques.

  • PP2K Purple Material upgraded and updated.
  • PP2K Purple Material examples.
  • PP2K Purple Plugin fixes, compile fix and new functions.
  • PP2K Purple Plugin Further and sub functi.
  • PP2K Purple Designer Collision.
  • PP2K Purple Designer Solid.
  • PP2K Purple Designer base files.
  • Color and PBR simple examples.
  • PP2K x3 Grid materials
  • Ended core materials.
  • Grid example texture.
  • Compiled Dll files for project and Purple Plugin included. (15/11/21): Include the new master material Purple Material, a blueprint with all the new nodes, the base map and other base materials for future features.

  • The Purple Material.
  • Plugin fixes and new functions.
  • New basic core materials.
  • New collision texture.
  • New basic grid material. (15/11/20): Include the base of the project with the logos and the plugin of Purpleprint 2 - Kit.

  • The base project files
  • Basic project setups
  • Purple Plugin for Unreal Engine 4
  • Example textures (Legacy)
  • Simple 3D shapes models (Legacy)
  • 2D Shapes (Legacy)

Its too much!!! I cant handle the amount!!!

Beta released!

@Kanizitas :smiley:

Really neat stuff Hevedy.
It’s great to see people giving such awesome work back to the community :smiley:

Better that supergrid.

It looks nice, but I am not sure what to use this for only viewing at this thread.

Thanks you so much for the support guys!

Sorry guys but due to the no income from nowhere and the current status I can’t continue with this.

Thanks you all for the support.