Assets from Marketplace for commercial use

Hello. I have some questions regarding the commercial use of some things.

  1. If I have a game (built here in UE) with some assets that i bought from the Marketplace(that are not made by Epic), can I sell that game legally? Or if I participate in a Gamejam and Iet’s say I win and I get some money, but I don’t want to publish the game, is it legal?

  2. Same story but what happens if I get some assets from the marketplace, made by Epic?

  3. Same thing, if I have a game built in UE and I have bought some assets from the Marketplace and I use them, aaaand I have some free/paid assets from different locations(so not this Marketplace), can I sell the game or if I win a Gamejam, do I have to pay someone? (Just to mention: the assets that i get from a different location, let’s say that it says that I can use them for commercial use). So is everything legal?

  4. Even if I get the assets from here made by other people, or made by Epic, or I get them from different places, do I have to add a sub-menu or something like that in the game, saying “Credits” and put the names of where do I get and who made those assets?

Thank you!

hi @RaMb0RO1

Ok in general marketplace assets NOT supplied by epic should be ok for commercial use

GameJam? i guess its a competition? i dont think that counts as “selling” if you make prize money. but clarification maybe needed there!

Free or paid assets from anywhere other than the market place you MUST check their license before using them commercially.

As far as credits are concerned then again license may say its a must, etiquette says its a definate. Its courtesy to acknowledge others work.

be careful whatever assets you use (oh and megascans also i believe needs some sort of licence/subscription for commercial use)

Hello High500
Thank you for taking your time to answer:)

  1. Yes, a gamejam counts as a competition and yes, I don’t think either that it counts as commercial use but there is the possibility to win some money and I don’t know that to say about this…

  2. So free/paid assets from the marketplace, not by Epic, used only in UE, are alright if I want to publish a game and make money from it?Do I have to contact the person who made the asset and ask for their permission or it is not neccesary?

  3. About megascans, alright, I will check it out

Thank you!

This might make it clearer for the market place

Sorry to ask but where exactly should I look?

Sorry looks like my copy paste didnt work i try find the proper link my bad

It’s ok :slight_smile:

Licence Terms - Community / Marketplace - Epic Developer Community Forums (

There we go!

I’m not a lawyer, this is just how I interpret the rules for my own use.

  1. Anything I buy or get for free in the marketplace, and anything I build with the UE, I can sell for however much or little I want. Once I hit a certain revenue threshold, I need to start sending royalties to EPIC for the Unreal Engine use.

  2. Same thing with EPIC assets in the marketplace. The main difference is that EPIC assets cannot ever be used OUTSIDE unreal engine; some marketplace sellers (but not all of them) allow you to use the things you purchased, outside unreal engine.

  3. Whatever assets you get from elsewhere (either you make them yourself, or you get them through legitimate means) are OK to build and sell. This is dependent on the license you have to the assets you got elsewhere. Make sure that license allows game distribution. EPIC doesn’t care about other people’s licenses one way or another (except they might care that things you sell in the EPIC store are correctly licensed!)

  4. Each asset may have a different requirement for credit or not. Assets from the store, and from EPIC, generally do NOT have specific credit requirements, although the Unreal Engine itself may have such requirements. Also, you generally need to make sure that your own copyright is protected with the proper notice – once that happens, the licensed content you use generally ends up under the same protection.