Assets Cleaner, a tool to manage unused assets

It depends how you create those assets.
If you are creating them by spawning/constructing them from a blueprint or code class, this “should” detect them as used.

Because the tool uses the editor’s code for checking references to object, at some point along the chain some class, or struct, or blueprint will be referencing the asset that you spawn at runtime.

I will double check though, but i would need to know how exactly you are creating these assets

All right!
It’s been approved and it is now live on the marketplace!

Check it out:
[Assets Cleaner - Project Cleaning Tool in Code Plugins - UE Marketplace

Assets Cleaner: A Project management tool - YouTube](Assets Cleaner - Project Cleaning Tool in Code Plugins - UE Marketplace)

Works great, although when I do a clean build, I get the following warning in the output:

UnrealBuildTool : warning : Warning: Plugin 'AssetsCleaner' does not list plugin 'AssetManagerEditor' as a dependency, but module 'AssetsCleaner' depends on 'AssetManagerEditor'.

Do you get that warning when compiling? Making a build?
in any case, it is safe to ignore, because it is an “editor only” code module, and won’t get built/compiled in the game.
The plugin is able to react if a user does not have the AssetManagerEditor plugin enabled and turns off features that use it.

Only when compiling in Visual Studio. It’s still annoying though, do you know of a fix? I like to have my output log as clean as possible.

I actually just fixed an issue a few days ago that also took care of that warning as a side effect.
The update has been submitted and is waiting on Epic to build and approve it.
Shouldn’t take much longer now

The update is now live on the marketplace
If you update, the warning should now be gone.


Nice plugin, very useful!

I noticed though, on one project if I make an Android build for the Ouclus Quest, having this plugin enabled makes the build crash immediately on the Oculus Quest. Error log shows:

LogPluginManager: Error: Unable to load plugin 'AssetsCleaner'. Aborting.
Assertion failed: false [File:D:/Build/++UE4/Sync/Engine/Source/Runtime/Launch/Private/Android/LaunchAndroid.cpp] [Line: 463]
Engine Preinit Failed

After disabling the plugin and rebuilding the project the app launches normally on the Quest.

That’s a bit strange as it’s a editor only plugin,
Thanks for letting me know I’ll take a look into it!

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After several years, Epic took notice and featured the plugin free for a month.

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