AssetManager asynchronous loading assets

I am trying to load inventory aynchronously because I want dlc functionality in the future. In ActionRPG example project, it uses “AsyncLoadPrimaryAssetList” node in Blueprint. But I can’t use it in C++. Do you know how to use this in C++. If not how do you async load assets. The asset manager doesnt seem to have a function for that. Can you point me to right direction. Where should I look at to asynch load assets.
Note : I allready read documentation about async loading assets and asset manager but couldnt implement it.
Thanks in advance.

Well, if the functionality is available in blueprints, then it is in the engine source code, so you can search for AsyncLoadPrimaryAssetList and see how is it implemented)
What you’ll find is the class UAsyncActionLoadPrimaryAssetList (this is actually the node that you are using in blueprints), that inherits from UAsyncActionLoadPrimaryAssetBase, and all the logic you are looking for is in UAsyncActionLoadPrimaryAssetBase::Activate() method.
As I see this node uses UAssetManager::LoadPrimaryAssets to start assets loading and the FStreamableHandle that is returned from LoadPrimaryAssets is used to subscribe to the loading completion using Handle->BindCompleteDelegate(FStreamableDelegate::CreateUObject(this, &UAsyncActionLoadPrimaryAssetBase::HandleLoadCompleted)).

Hope this helps!