Asset tabs

Managing open asset tabs is a disaster in UE5 and has been only getting worse since the UE5.0, with elements jumping around while grabbed (because we need to see the selected asset’s class on the right side for some reason), the tabs don’t open in the same order as they were when the editor was closed, sometimes assets will open in a separate window, sometimes not, seemingly with no reasoning behind it.

I’ve given up hope on having this fixed long ago. I’ve noticed that every platform operated by Epic will eventually have it’s UI redesigned and turned into a smaller or bigger disaster of moving, jumping, scaling, weirdly placed elements (kudos to the head of the UI departament, truly exceptional work on all fronts). But I decided to still make this post because the tabs specifically make my life miserable.

So beside asking for the removal of the class display on the tab bar, which would hopefully stop them from jumping around like crazy whenever you try to reorganize them, I’d also like to see Google chrome-like tab groups. You can name them, assign them colors, and they have a bunch of features like only loading tabs if you click on them, and unloading if you didn’t interact with them for a while.

At the same time it’d be nice to have them be more compact, because in chrome currently there’s a lot of empty space between them for no reason.