I submitted an asset to the marketplace a couple months ago. The review was completed last month, and they told me that they would tell me within a week when it would be uploaded to the marketplace. They still have not gotten back to me.
I’ve tried contacting marketplace support, but all my emails are being ignored.
Two other rounds of assets have already been uploaded to the marketplace since they said that mine was completed and ready.
Since support emails are not working, does anyone know what my next step should be to get this resolved?
At literally every stage of the review process, they were going over the projected time and seemingly forgetting about my asset altogether, until I eventually contacted them through email.
The same thing seems to be happening right now, except that they are also ignoring my emails, so now it appears to just be going nowhere.
Yeah, that seems to be what happened. Reubitron doesn’t seem to be responding to my PMs either.
It’s very concerning, as they don’t seem to have any intention of actually releasing my asset, in spite of passing all the reviews.
It was “ready for market” literally a full month ago.
I’m sorry for the delay in response on these. If you guys could please pm me your pack names I’ll track those down and make sure you’re all updated before Wednesday.