Asset Management For Later Use

I was wondering if there is a way to package out assets that you make in one project to use in another project. We all know migration, but can you save one thing out of a project that you want to use later in life? I want to keep certain things without having to keep an entire project on my drive. Any help would be very appreciated.

I think you can make plugin without any code, so it would be just assets.

Also if you make subfolder in Content, put all assets in there. You can zipp that subfolder, unpack it in another project and you will have all copied there.

Unreal does not mind moving assets that do not reference other assets outside what you are moving. So be careful with referencing in package and you will be safe.

That’s a great idea! Thanks!

How do you make a plugin for something that is just a blueprint, material, camera? Is it all just one button that does anything, or is there a special way to do each type of asset?

Zipping the files is the easier approach it would seem, but I’m curious as to how to do this for future reference.

found tut for ue 4 (however i did not watch it so not sure if its any good)

For assets only plugin just level C++ code at minimal size.

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