I have done some research on my question and found several sort of round about answers but not one I am completely satisfied with. I have also read through the Marketplace Distribution Agreement and still am not feeling 100% comfortable with having a solid answer to my question.
Question: If I purchase assets from the marketplace to what extent can I include them in my own marketplace content. Example: I am building an Inventory System. The basis of my content is my Inventory System. Its 100% my own work. However, this system included equipping items and item icons and the like. Am I allowed to use meshes I purchased on the Marketplace inside my content I intend to sell. Could I use 2d Texture Icons I purchased to represent these items that I purchased form the market place?
I have this question because I am unclear about what rights I have to use the products I purchased. I understand that these assets could then be extracted and used without my content and that’s not my intention.
So, the TLDR version, can I use meshes and icons I purchased in my project if I am not solely repackaging them, but rather using them as part of an inventory system.
Thank you for your time.