Asset browser for Material?

Hi , im wondering is there any way to get a window that shows specific materails i need,
that makes me easy to preview different mats/textures to my mesh.
such as Asset browser in Animation that let you browse animtions easier in edit mode.

i know theres some way to do this in BP, but that means i have to create lot of bp for every character , just wondering is there any functional tool / plugin / methods to do this in editor.

it will be great to have this function while im comparing which material is better for my characters.

btw , im using 4.27 now.

You can use filters in your standard asset browser to filter only materials and you can search. Furthermore you can have multiple asset browsers.

thanks for your reply ,

i did made my ui more like what im looking for ,
is there any way to focus on one material slot and quick preview materials in the browser
by double clicking or simply selecting it without dragging it into the slot?

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