today I ran into the issue, that my game would crash directly after launching it on my Android device. It worked without issues yesterday. Launching the Game on PC works fine aswell. After checking my logcat files I ran over this Assertion here:
04-27 05:57:24.181 20583 20596 D UE4 : libUE4.so!FDebug::LogAssertFailedMessage(char const*, char const*, int, wchar_t const*, ...)
04-27 05:57:24.181 20583 20596 D UE4 : libUE4.so!FInternationalization::GetDefaultCulture() const
04-27 05:57:24.181 20583 20596 D UE4 : libUE4.so!FICUInternationalization::Initialize()
04-27 05:57:24.181 20583 20596 D UE4 : libUE4.so!FTextFormatter::Format(FTextFormat&&, TArray<FFormatArgumentValue, FDefaultAllocator>&&, bool, bool)
04-27 05:57:24.181 20583 20596 D UE4 : libUE4.so!FText::Format(FTextFormat, FFormatArgumentValue)
04-27 05:57:24.181 20583 20596 D UE4 : libUE4.so!FProjectDescriptor::Load(FString const&, FText&)
04-27 05:57:24.181 20583 20596 D UE4 : libUE4.so!FProjectManager::LoadProjectFile(FString const&)
04-27 05:57:24.181 20583 20596 D UE4 : libUE4.so!FEngineLoop::PreInit(wchar_t const*)
04-27 05:57:24.181 20583 20596 D UE4 : libUE4.so!FEngineLoop::PreInit(int, wchar_t**, wchar_t const*)
04-27 05:57:24.181 20583 20596 D UE4 : libUE4.so!AndroidMain(android_app*)
04-27 05:57:24.181 20583 20596 D UE4 : libUE4.so!android_main()
04-27 05:57:24.181 20583 20596 D UE4 : libUE4.so![Unknown]()
04-27 05:57:24.181 20583 20596 D UE4 : libc.so![Unknown]()
04-27 05:57:24.181 20583 20596 D UE4 : libc.so![Unknown]()
It seems like a pointer to the DefaultCulture of the game is not inititialized. I allready checked all i18n settings. I have set up 2 cultures in the l8n dashboard: en and de. Since I am running on a german device, I thought this might be an issue. I also made sure that both cultures are being packaged in the Packaging setting. I will also add a logcat file.