Assertion failed / weightdata / mipsizesquare

I couldn’t find any similar problems on the internet. I see this error when I try to collapse layers of landscape.

  1. Assertion failed: WeightData.Num() == MipSizeSquare [File:D:/Build/++UE4/Sync/Engine/Source/Runtime/Landscape/Private/LandscapeEditInterface.cpp] [Line: 4457] UE4Editor_Core UE4Editor_Core UE4Editor_Landscape UE4Editor_Landscape UE4Editor_Landscape UE4Editor_Landscape UE4Editor_Landscape UE4Editor_Landscape UE4Editor_LandscapeEditor UE4Editor_LandscapeEditor UE4Editor_Slate UE4Editor_Slate UE4Editor_Slate UE4Editor_Slate UE4Editor_Slate UE4Editor_Slate UE4Editor_Slate UE4Editor_Slate UE4Editor_Slate UE4Editor_Slate UE4Editor_ApplicationCore UE4Editor_ApplicationCore UE4Editor_ApplicationCore UE4Editor_ApplicationCore user32 user32 UE4Editor_ApplicationCore UE4Editor UE4Editor UE4Editor UE4Editor UE4Editor UE4Editor kernel32 ntdll

  2. [17:23]

Don’t know if anyone is looking for an answer to this but this is the result of attempting to collapse layers onto a layer containing informaiton about landmass brushes or other protected layers (splines, water). We got around it by just not compressing layers containing that sort of information.

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