I was trying to add a planar reflection to the unreal engine VR template, support global plane reflection is activated, got a material with the planar reflection check, so looking good in editor, run in standalone, but when in VR it crash with the error in the title link to the file [File:D:\build++UE5\Sync\Engine\Plugins\Runtime\OpenXR\Source\OpenXRHMD\Private\OpenXRHMD.cpp] [Line: 2566].
Hiding the planar reflection component make it run without a problems.
Seems like it could be a race condition with the renderer trying to create the reflected view before the stereo views have been properly set up. You might be able to get around it by hiding the reflective objects for few frames or delaying the initial load of the map.
Seem like nothing from a race condition, i have try to delay the reflection by 15 seconds and even more. Tried to do a load streaming level setup but nothing is working.
Seem more like OpenXR update problems ?
In UE4 same setup is working like a charm but not in UE5.
It’s probably not an issue with the OpenXR plugin, since the check that asserts seems to correctly check for which eye is rendered. UE5 changed the way the current eye is specified from FSceneView::StereoPass to FSceneView::StereoViewIndex, so there might be something in the planar reflection renderer that sets up these variables wrong in the reflected views.
It asserts when trying to render the hidden area mask, so turning it off with the console variable vr.HiddenAreaMask 0 could be a temporary fix, although it might just cause it to fail elsewhere.
So entering the command vr.HiddenAreaMask 0 make the game launch with the planar reflection. The problem now the planar have became glitchy. I might try to fix it with a custom build of unreal 5, if it become successful, i will push my update.
Hi there.
I came across the exact same issue.
Did you figure it out.
When entering the command the reflections dont really work.
Any information how to deal with this problem would be greatly appreciated.