Assertion failed: Texture->LevelIndex != INDEX_NONE Fix

Assertion failed: Texture->LevelIndex != INDEX_NONE [File:D:\build++UE5\Sync\Engine\Source\Runtime\Engine\Private\Streaming\TextureStreamingBuild.cpp] [Line: 662]

Hello, in case someone gets this error, I have found that switching from DirectX 11 to DirectX 12 fixes it.

Thx for the tip. Faced the same issue. “Build texture streaming” solved this problem as well.


Thank you very much, this method has solved my problem!

Hi AdrianTabacaru. I have got the same error message while launching the game. I have already DirectX12 installed. Any other solution please ?

What do you mean by “build texture streaming”? I have “texture streaming” enabled in project settings. Ah ok I see it now under build drop down.

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Exactly the same problem. I tested several things:
DirectX12 + Texture Streaming, Compile an launching the game = Crash
DirectX12 + Untick Texture Streaming, Compile an launching the game = Works
DirectX11 + Texture Streaming, Compile an launching the game = Works

Build an old backup, with DirectX12 and Texture Streaming, it works. So there is something related to texture in my level.

The solution is to resolving conflicting material GUIDs, and there is a free plugin for that!

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Same issue here. Did you managed to fix it / workaround it?

Found it!
Another possible cause for this issue is a bug, that I think is fixed in newer versions (I’m on 5.1.1) that if you have a material function (or function instance) connected to a node and you replace that connection with another material function instance, this happens. I found the issue report and it says it’s fixed, but I lost the link, sorry.

The workaround is just to disconnect the material function instance, save, maybe recoonect with something that’s not a function, or leave disconnected. Reopen, and then connect the new material function.

If you can’t open a material because of this issue, you can simply duplicate the suspected material function / instances. Delete them, and reopen material.

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Happens in 5.4.

Incredibly bad experience so far going from 5.3.2 to 5.4…
Crash every 5 minutes, hardly can get anything done.


5.4.1 fixed this for me!

Pardon, I haven’t been here for a while and even forgot I droped a comment here :slight_smile: Glad you found it on your own

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This problem seems to be back with vengeance in 5.5. LOTS of crashes. Anybody still getting this?

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Yes, getting it today in 5.5.1 on a packaged project.