Assertion failed: Renaming an object on top of an existing object is not allowed. (4-23)


I renamed one of my components and the editor promptly crashed. Now, whenever I try to open the blueprint I renamed the component in, it promptly crashes again.

The crash reporter just says:
Assertion failed: [File:D:/Build/++UE4/Sync/Engine/Source/Runtime/CoreUObject/Private/UObject/Obj.cpp] [Line: 202] Renaming an object (StaticMeshComponent /Engine/Transient.Knee on the ‘broekstuk’_GEN_VARIABLE) on top of an existing object (ObjectProperty /Game/Blueprints/BP_ChangeableMesh.BP_ChangeableMesh_C:Broekstuk) is not allowed.

Does anyone have any suggestions or tips as to how to fix this?

I’m using 4.23 since this is an HTML5 project and Epic unfortunately decided to abandon 4.23 in future engine versions…