Assertion Failed PakPrecacherSingleton [File: ./Engine/PakFile/IPlatformFilePak.cpp] [Line: 1406]

Issue Field Resume

     Hello everyone, I met this problem when learning DLC development. It runs normally and log shows no error for it but after packaging a execution file. After closing the game, this critical error shows up. 


    Codes at line 1406 in IPlatformFilePak.cpp is below: 

            static FPakPrecacher& Get()
                    return *PakPrecacherSingleton;

    And PakPrecacherSingleton is a static variable defiened at [Line: 1152] in IPlatformFilePak.cpp file. 
    More for this, PakPrecacherSingleton is initialized by init() [Line: 1344] member function. 
    And destroyed by Shutdown() [Line: 1353] member function. `


    So the problem could be someone wants to get it after destroyed, as I can mount a package correctly, it may not be a initialize failed situation. (Just currently deduction)

    This only happens when running exe file, and log shows unknown function for call stack. So I can't furtherly figure out where the error occurs and who inquires for it. 

    Any possible ideas should be appreciated, please help us and feel free for commenting, thans a lot.

get the same issue too

I have the same issue.
I have been playing around with a plugin. Plugin based on simple .pak loading. At start it worked fine. Midday suddenly this error appeared. When I say suddenly … it was suddenly without any reason.
A collegue tested the same plugin on his machine… perfect,
I uninstalled Unreal engine, reinstalled all from scratch. Same error. I tried moveing the .pak on the disk … nothing works. I received a none answer from development support saying

‘Is this running a staged build with pak files enabled? Otherwise it would have to initialize the pak file system in some other way.’

I tried all kind of settings … anyone has any clue ? or even better … where does this problem come from and how to solve it ?

Did anyone of you find a fix for this?