Assertion failed: GIsReinstancing || Value == nullptr || Value == LevelInstance When play in level

Got an error when running around in my level, wondering if anybody can point in a direction as to how to fix it.

Error: appError called: Assertion failed: GIsReinstancing || Value == nullptr || Value == LevelInstance [File:D:\build++UE5\Sync\Engine\Source\Runtime\Engine\Private\LevelInstance\LevelInstanceSubsystem.cpp] [Line: 143]

Still having this problem, nobody has any ideas?

On 5.3 I keep getting this crash too

There is a bug in 5.3 that if you have an actor with a child actor which is a Packed Level Actor, and the actor is spatially loaded, if the actor is loaded and unloaded then you will crash 100% of the time with this exact crash.
