I successfully built a blank project with 4.25.1 chaos enabled build and it crashes with error :
Assertion Failed CookedMesh ! = 0 in physxsupport.cpp. Does physx need to be manually disabled? Any Solution?
I am experiencing the exact same issue, did you find a solution by any chance?
You also need to add following to your game target cs file
bCompileChaos = true;
bUseChaos = true;
Then rebuild the game and for a good measure re-package it under different packaging mode to trigger full build.
Either way with Chaos enabled in 4.25 it seems all other physics are broken, simple objects become frictionless and ragdolls loose all hierarchy/constraints (all limbs drop to the ground separately and slide frictionlessly).
I have done that. Stil same Problem.
Make sure you added those to BOTH (or ALL) C# targets ! You probably have one for the Editor as well as one for your deployed game (e.g. MyProjectEditor.Target.cs and MyProject.Target.cs).
The booleans had been added in both targets. I’ve tried today while connected to internet and it built and ran flawlessly.
Edit - I also have booleans for physx,nvcloth,apex, custom scene query etc before packaging.Also, I cannot change map at runtime, it gives some array error.