Hey devs having issue to open up project after update to UE 5.1 .Project was working absolutely fine on UE 5.0, has changed RHI to DX11 but still facing issue , any ideas ? LogWindows: Error: appError called: Assertion failed: OutPose.IsNormalized() [File:D:\build\++UE5\Sync\Engine\Source\Runtime\Engine\Private\Animation\AnimSequence.cpp] [Line: 1477]
+1 ! Same issue here ! Days passed to try to solve it, it is so frustrating to be stuck on 5.03… Please anybody can help ?
Trying to figure this out right now. Annoying!
Same issue here, did any of you guys managed to find a fix for it?
I am having this issue as well- I cannot load up the Editor at all without it crashing. Very frustrating.
I dont know if its late but i fixed in “DefaultEngine.ini” inside of config folder
just edit 3 lines of code
and thats it
the first attempt to solve it was deleting that folder, but starting the project, my level was all white, and it was for the exposure and a lot more of configs, then just tried to read line per line in atom and the crash.log and research on Chatgpt and googling things about some failed .dlls, an just read that my map settings was bad for a change that i did last night hahaha
Hope someone find this useful!