ASSERT window without closing the game&editor


Is in UE any possibility to show assert window without closing the game or editor ?
Like: check(x != 10); and then I will get assert window with call stack but the game is still running and I can ignore
that assert ?

You know a lot of asserts are not critical and I don’t want to close the game because some asserts are just informing
that something is suspicious or whatever …

Many thanks.

necroing to bring attention that people want this, even if theyre not screaming for it at the top of thier lungs

They already have it and they’re called ensure.

Checks are for fatal errors that are not meant to be recoverable.

If someone wants to stop the debugger on something there are plenty of other options besides check. Ensures (as mentioned above), conditional breakpoints, __debugbreak (or really the UE PLATFORM_BREAK macro instead), etc.

thats not going to help in the case of a node in an anim graph. if an assert triggers from a bad node in an anim graph your only option for recovering is to lose all current progress and revert to an earlier BP (if you have git) or Deleting the anim bp in windows explorer.

im not suggesting a permanent “never assert” option…im saying there should be a “start safe mode” where no code is executed in editor for the duration of a open/close. so that people have a chance to easily remove an offending node. this isn’t a new concept, infact the system you are currently replying on has a million different asserts(windows) and provides you a “start in safe mode” for exactly the same reason.

edit to add: this is particularly with crashes caused by UE nodes, not sure how logical it is to edit the UE source just to undo a broken node. it’s important to keep in mind that not everything is custom user code. one example you can try yourself right now, activate motion matching. do the standard set up but check the box for start pose from Ref pose, but set no ref pose. you have now corrupted the animbp, enjoy trying to fix the error as ue crashes even just looking at the bp in the content folder. how easy would it have been to be able to click “restart in safe mode” and remove that check mark.

Yes, the Editor crashing is a terrible user experience and you shouldn’t have to edit the engine source to get it working again.

I’m not clear if the assert is triggering in Editor or Runtime though. A runtime error might take down the Editor if it’s fatal but it shouldn’t result in any lost work or prevent you from reopening the Editor.

If it’s an Editor error that’s really unfortunate.

But ultimately it’s a problem with the code and not the assert. Again, if there’s actually a check then it’s a fatal issue that is unrecoverable and a “safe start” option won’t matter because it will likely just crash on something that can’t be skipped over. C++ is not blueprint, there’s no VM that is able to protect you from every null dereference or divide by 0. If there’s an ensure and skipping over it causes the build to crash, then that’s just poor style.

Yeah, that’s a really bad move on Epic’s part and they should be better about things like that.

I think you’re oversimplifying the issue. Likely the code that’s crashing is part of code that needs to run to allow you to see/edit the offending node in the first place. Even if that’s not entirely true in this case, it’s not true enough in general for it to be of any practical use.