Assault On Proxima - A Sci-Fi First Person Shooter!

Hi Unreal Community,

I’m really pleased to announce Delta Video Games new game: Assault On Proxima!

Assault On Proxima is a Science Fiction First Person shooter where you battle against the nefarious Gacrux aliens from another star. Explore the exomoon Proxima C5 and fight against the aliens who have invaded the Terran colonies!

Check out the Assault On Proxima Gameplay Trailer:

Assault On Proxima will be available to play as a Free Demo on Steam Next Fest, starting on the 6th February 2023, at 6om GMT. Get the game here:

Everyone’s very welcome to play the Assault On Proxima Demo during Steam Next Fest.

Assault On Proxima will be releasing into Steam Early Access in March 2023!

Join us to fight against the Gacrux, or play as the Gacrux to defeat the humans in PvP!

See you on Proxima C5. Keep blasting! :sunglasses:

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Assault On Proxima is now abailable to play as a Demo on Steam Next Fest! :smiley:

The Demo will be available until midnight PST on the 12th of February!

Check it out and blast some aliens! :smiley:

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Greetings @SpareTriangles3 !

Congratulations on the Assault on Proxima release on Steam! :partying_face:

This Sci-Fi FPS looks like stylized Halo. I dig the art style! I like that you’ve developed your game to accommodate the different types of player styles. I’ve installed the demo and am looking forward to kicking some Gacrux booty! :space_invader:

How did you develop the concept for Assault on Proxima? Is there any inspiration from The Babylon Project? How many developers worked on Assault on Proxima to make it a reality?

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Hi Get Dovah It! :slight_smile:

Thanks very much your message! Thank you for you excellent encouragement! :smiley: I hope you’ve had fun blasting some Gacrux aliens so far!

Sure, Assault On Proxima is like stylised Halo, or maybe Destiny, but in a more Hard Sci-Fi setting. The game is definitely intended to be a class based and cooperative shooter where the player can choose their prefered combat tactics or coordinate with other players to make a dope team to take down the alien invaders!

Really, the idea for Assault On Proxima came from my long time passion for classic Science Fiction such as Asimov and Robert Heinlein, mixed in with Aliens and Warhammer 40K. I wanted and want to make a traditional First Person Shooter, along the lines of, yes, Halo, and or Quake or Tribes, but in a new and original Sci-Fi Setting. And with a unique artstyle that is appealing to young and older players alike.

I am not aware of the Babylon Project. So that was not an inspiration as far as I know. Hehe. Is the Babylon Project something to do with Babylon 5? I’m certainly a Babylon 5 fan!

Assault On Proxima was developed by only 2 people; myself doing the 3D Art, Level Design and Game Design, and the Lead Programmer, Andrei Tomei, who yeah, did the Programming. I will be honest, the development was significantly expedited by Content Packs from the Unreal Marketplace, without which, I feel we would have needed a larger team or a lot more time to develop Assault On Proxima. :slight_smile:

Thanks for your cool questions Get Dovah It! I hope you can join us to play Assault On Proxima when it enters Steam Early Access release, hopefully in March. If all goes well, maybe we could even bring the game to the Epic Games Store later this year! :smiley:

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Oh by the way. We decided to keep the Assault On Proxima demo up on Steam!

So everyone, feel free to check out Assault On Proxima! :smiley:

Hey Unreal Community! :smiley:
We’re busy polishing and adding new content for Assault On Proxima. I’ve been working on a new PvP / Capture the Flag map featuring a Space Fortress to attack and defend!

We’ll be adding the Space Fortress Capture The Flag map to the Free Demo in the next few weeks, so be sure to check out the FREE Assault On Proxima Demo on Steam! Cheers! :smiling_face:

A big update to the Assault On Proxima FREE Game Demo has just arrived on Steam!

Check out the announcment! Cheers! :smiley:

Hi Unreal Engine Community! :smiley:

Assault on Proxima - My Sci-Fi First Person Shooter is released on Steam today! :robot: :space_invader: :rocket: :ringer_planet: :dizzy:
There’s a Free Demo and if you like it, the full game is currently 25% off! Cheers mates! :heart_eyes: :partying_face: