I need Aspen trees in my scene, and they do not exist in the Library.
As a workaround, I thought of trying to tint the bark of another tree with white to approximate an Aspen.
However, the Bark tint function seems to only “color” the bark, and it’s not able to tint it white. In fact, the default COLOR PICKER is white, which should not be the case – it should be adding “no color” in the default position. The same applies to Leaves tint – it seems impossible to tint leaves white.
Does anyone know of a way to change the bark, or tint it white?
Unfortunately, it isn't possible to apply a white tint to trees/vegetation since the white value is used as the neutral tint. I will pass on your feedback to the team to see if this is something that can be adjusted for the future so that we have a separate neutral/transparent tint value that will let you apply a white tint to vegetation.
For now, you will likely need to import an aspen tree model from a third party library for your needs.
Thanks Raghib - a white tint (or anything "lighter") would be useful in quite a few circumstances.
Here I'm trying to use Ling Heather to look like Sagebrush - but there's no way of making it lighter/ whiter/ brighter. I've found something close in Quixel, but it's not possible to use as Vegetation Paint/ Scatter so I'm stuck.
I know it would be preferable to build a library of botanically correct species, but given that there's already been a compromise by offering Leaf/ Bark tint, I hope this could be extended to lightening too.
I have a few projects that were done with TM 2019 or 2020 that had some different trees than those in TM today. Those trees had light colored bark and interestingly you were not able to change the bark tint in those earlier versions. If you have access to those versions via your launcher you might try looking there.
Thanks for your response - I would need to reinstall 2019 in my Launcher, but even if I found those trees it looks like I wouldn't be able to use them in my 2022 project file (I need to use RTX).
The issue is discussed here; https://twinmotionhelp.epicgames.com/s/question/0D52L00004IL7qSSAT/i-was-using-twinmotion-2019-and-now-i-am-using-2020-version-however-some-materials-are-missing-in-2020-version-like-aspen-tree-and-bamboo-trees-how-i-can-have-every-materials-do-i-need-to-do-something-to-have-those-materials-or-other-materials