Aspect from texture to plane

Hi All

I am pretty new to unreal and have a problem with the object aspect ratio.

I have a plane in a scene and a material with a texture. How can i adjust the aspect ratio of the plane to the aspect of the texture?

I don’t want to do this manually, because later on i need to change the texture on the plane dynamical.

Thx and greetings

Really nobody who can help how to set the aspect of a plane according to the aspect of the texture on it?

Thanks and greetings

Same question here! Is there way to automatically set plane aspect ratio based on the texture?

And all textures should be power of 2, so there would really never be any need. keep the plane a square, the aspect ratio will therefore always be correct.

but if i need to show pictures in different aspect ratio… taken with a telephone… some in portrait others in landscape… looks pretty nice in a square…

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A texture is not a picture. If you want to handle a picture you need to handle a picture. Completely different thing. You probably shouldnt use a material for it.
try looking into the Media player.

Wow! So much help in these two lines (and the one before it) - you are clearly a very smart and useful individual. How about not posting an answer at all?
Here, an example where your much smart could (would it?) fail:
I want to keep aspect ratio on UI for various icons users upload to a server. They can have any aspect ratios and I want to pack them into a material because I’m also masking and animating the damned stuff. How’s that for “all textures should be powers of two” & “if you want to handle a picture, handle a picture” - wow much help!
So, how do I “handle a picture”?